

1174 Uppsatser om Förändringar i perception - Sida 1 av 79

Gastric bypasskirugi : patientupplevelser ur psykosocialt och krppsligt perspektiv

Fetma a?r ett av de allvarligaste ha?lsoproblemen i va?rlden. O?vervikt i sa?va?l ungdomen och vuxenlivet a?r associerad med en o?kad do?dlighet. Besta?ende viktminskning minskar risken att do? i fo?rtid.

So?kmotoroptimering och internetmarknadsfo?ring

So?kmotoroptimering eller SEO (Search Engine Optimization), har blivit enmycket viktig del na?r det ga?ller att profilera sig online. Det som avses medso?kmotoroptimering a?r att go?ra fo?ra?ndringar pa? en webbsida sa? att denplaceras ho?gre upp bland resultaten hos so?kmotorerna, och pa? ett sa?dant sa?ttfa?r en sto?rre exponering. Na?r man fo?rso?ker go?ra fo?ra?ndringar pa? en sida sa?kan man dela in fo?ra?ndringar i ?pa?? och ?utanfo?r? webbsidan, on och off-site.Fo?ra?ndringar ?on-site? betyder dels att man go?r fo?ra?ndringar i html koden ochdels att man fo?rso?ker go?ra sidan sa? anva?ndarva?nlig som mo?jligt.

?Det ?r ju inte som det var f?rr?. En fallstudie om hur ett f?retags organisationskultur p?verkas av f?r?ndringar

Syftet med studien ?r att unders?ka och ?ka f?rst?elsen f?r hur ett f?retags organisationskultur uppr?tth?lls under f?r?ndringar. F?r att uppfylla syftet valdes studiens teoretiska referensram som best?r av definitioner och teorier fokuserade p? organisationskultur, ledarskap och organisationskultur, f?r?ndringsarbete samt f?r?ndringsprocesser. Den empiriska datasom studien baseras p? har samlats in genom kvalitativa intervjuer med produktionsmedarbetare och produktionschefer p? detvalda fallf?retaget.

Coops egna ma?rkesvaror : en uppdatering av varukraven

Coop Sverige inga?r i ett nordiskt inko?pssamarbete fo?r sina egna ma?rkesvaruprodukter (EMV), Coop Trading. Na?sta a?r, 2012, bryter man sig ur detta samarbete och av den anledningen vill Coop Sverige se o?ver varukraven fo?r sina EMV-produkter. Coop har som ma?lsa?ttning att vara det ledande och mest innovativa detaljhandelsfo?retaget och branschens fra?msta spra?kro?r och inspirationska?lla fo?r ha?llbar konsumtion.

Skrivinlärning : En studie om motorikens betydelse i undervisningen

Motorik och perception är viktigta delar i alla barns utveckling,men hur viktgt är det för banrets skrivinlärning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på hur pedagoerna ser på sambandet mellan motorik, perception och skrivinlärning och vad säger forskningen.Vad gör pedagogerna om de ser att barn har problem med motrik, perception eller skrivinlärning för att hjälpa barnet inom dessa områden. Hur påverkar det pedagogernas arbete samt hur påverkar det barnet om denne har sårigheter inom motrik och perception..

"Man måste kunna argumentera för den äldres behov" : En studie om biståndshandläggares utmaningar och dilemman i bedömningen av de äldres behov av vård- och omsorgsboende

Syftet med uppsatsen a?r att o?ka kunskapen om bista?ndshandla?ggares erfarenheter av utredningar av insatsen va?rd- och omsorgsboende fo?r a?ldre. Bista?ndshandla?ggningen inom a?ldreomsorgen i Stockholms stad har genomga?tt flera fo?ra?ndringar de senaste a?ren. De fo?ra?ndringar vi koncentrerat oss pa? att studera, a?r info?randet av kartla?ggnings- och bedo?mningsinstrumentet som bista?ndshandla?ggarna anva?nder fo?r att utreda a?ldres anso?kningar om va?rd- och omsorgsboende enligt socialtja?nstlagen 4 kap.

Textstorlekens påverkan

Purpose;the purpose of this study is to investigate whether a product ad observer's purchase intention, perception of product quality, brand image perception and price perception is affected depending on the size of the text that was used in the ad to communicate the product price.Methodology;the study was conducted using a quantitative method through a survey. The implementation of the study has been done by using three variants of the same suit ad where the three different variants have been manipulated on the text size on the price information, by reduced / increased the text size. The implementation has also been carried out using two different ad sender, with three ads for each sender.Result and conclusion;the text size on the price of a product ad mainly affects the observer's price and quality perception, where the small text will have a positive effect on quality perception and a negative effect on the quality perception. Even brand image changes depending on the text size where small text will have a positive effect..

En studie om sociala medier och perception

Earlier studies and research on the subject of perception and social media during the working process resulted in a change of the problem. At first the focus of the study was to examine how social media affects the perception of a brand although later on the problem had to be developed to instead examine if social media reflects the perception of a brand. The purpose of this study is to figure out if social media reflects consumer?s perception of a brand. This will contribute to company?s knowledge on how important social media is in their branding and will give pointers on how many resources that is necessary to spend on branding in social media.

Humorstilar, Emotionell Perception och Kön ? Vem skrattar mest och vem skrattar sist?

The main aim of this research was to investigate four humour styles, affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating humour, and compare these with emotional perception. Forty-eight persons took part in the research, 27 women and 21 men living in the southern part of Sweden. Two humour tests were used: the Humour Scale Questionnaire ? HSQ, with 32 items, and a newly composed video test, assembled after pilot testing from 26 video clips, the Humour Video Questionnaire ? HVQ. To measure perception and interpretation of emotion, the revised version of the ?Reading the Mind in the Eyes? Test was used.

Design Perception in Sweden and Turkey: A Comparison of Two Culturally Different Countries

The purpose of current paper is to identify the differences (ifany) between Swedish and Turkish consumers in terms ofproduct design perception and to identify the differences toproduct design in relating the four dimensions / characteristics:1.Aesthetical attractiveness, 2.Functionality, 3.Value and4.Quality.The findings of the study indicate the existence of a universal perception of design. Despite the culturally different countries that are examined the empirical material consistently display similarities between the two countries. Both the quantitative and qualitative data point to a very similar perception in terms of design. The possibilities of global design are discussed for companies as well as managerial implications and future research..

Begreppet individ, hos Leibniz och Spinoza, sa?som singula?rt och del i va?rldens ma?ngfald

This thesis deals with the concepts of individual and individuation as defined by Leibniz and Spinoza. I go through the use and definition of the concept of individual in four stages.First I discuss the individual as conceived by Spinoza as a relation formed by a composition of parts and the individual as conceived by Leibniz as a complete notion consisting of all the events in the life of a subject.Next is the roll of perception in Leibniz discussed, likewise individuation through different perception with varying distinctness, and the affinity of perception with affection.The discussions concerning the individual concludes in a section about the essence of the individual as being the desire of the individual. In the last stage, I discuss the multitude as being an own individual..

Personer med Multipel skleros och deras upplevelser av sexualitet : En litteraturo?versikt

SAMMANFATTNING Bakgrund: Sexuell ha?lsa kan ses som en ma?nsklig ra?ttighet, trots det kommer sexualitet och sexuell ha?lsa ofta i skymundan i den allma?nna sjukva?rden. Sjuksko?terskan har en viktig roll i att uppma?rksamma och identifiera sexuell ha?lsa. Multipel skleros (MS) a?r en kronisk nervsjukdom som pa?verkar det centrala nervsystemet och personer med MS drabbas ofta av na?gon form av sexuell dysfunktion.

Rörelsens generativa kraft : Den kroppsliga rörelsen som varseblivningens möjlighetsbetingelse

The standard model concerning the relationship between perception and motility is linear and one-way. It depicts the flow between the two as moving from sensation to perception to representation to computation, and finally, to motility and action. According to this model, animal being is basically a bundle of reflexes. But what can correctly be considered a bundle of reflexes from a natural science point of view, doesn't necessarily have to be true. This conception does not take into consideration the more complex interactions between motility and perception that constitutes, or generates, animal and human beings.

Tvådimensionella rum

We are always surrounded by space, not just only in a room with four walls, but also when we are outdoors.Constantly we move in a flow of space that changes whenever we move. Unaware we are affectedby this threedimensional surrounding of ours, and it reacts with our perception. Many times, we chooseto translate it into something two-dimensional, for example when we take a photo, recording a movie orframing a view with a window. It helps us to catch a moment, a piece of reality and restore it in our ownway. In this project I?ve chosen to explore this process, to interpret and create my own theories about thistranslation from space to a two-dimensional surface.

Emotionell kompetens : om möjligheter till utveckling och betydelse för ett effektivt ledarskap

Purpose of the study was to illustrate how emotional competence can be important for leadership and to explore the possibility of improving emotion perception ability after training. Participants in this study were 40 managers, divided into control and experimental group, within public administration. The participants implemented a data-based emotion perception test, which were done twice at every occasion, with intervention consisting of information or education between test- and retest. The result showed a clear improvement after intervention, in which no difference was found between control and experimental group, which has been discussed on the basis of the likelihood of a training effect occurred between test-retest. Conclusions about emotional competence or leadership ability could not be drawn from the results of the emotion perception test.

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